There were 12 Block Heads at Summer Arts Camp last week!

Each and every one with its own unique personality made by hand by 12 little artists in residence.
{Business Bob}
This was one of our favorite projects and the results were wonderful!
These are a few of the Block Heads I had the opportunity of snapping before they got away from me. They need no introduction ~ enjoy!
{Parrot & A Girl}
{Army Man}
{A Guy & A Girl}
The wood we used was from pine boards broken at Ahn's Tae Kwon Do* red and black belt testings and other events. Thank you Master Johnny! In addition, I have saved all sorts of "stuff" for the past year for our Up Cycled Art Day.
With a little inspiration ~ Block Heads made by my assistant** and me*** ~ the children rummaged through bins, buckets, and baskets of everything and came up with these fabulous ideas on their own. All I had to do was get my glue gun hot!
Monday, June 17th, begins week two of Summer Arts Camp with 12 more little Camper Kids and dozens more arts and craft projects. Looking forward to seeing their creations and sharing with all of you.
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*One of our Sponsors.
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*One of our Sponsors.