21 July 2014


Our tradition is that the first day of Summer Arts Camp each week is Doodle Day.  

This year our theme for Doodle Day was the Big Face ~ the Camper Kids drew and then watercolored their very own selfies.

The creativity the Camper Kids showed this second week was over the top crazy good.

Their imaginations went wild.

Modern art prevailed.

Abstract self portraits truly resembled the artists who painted them...

...one way or another.

Family portraits were part of the collection too.

Pretty girly girls...

...and silly boys showed their true colors.

Then their fingers were everywhere as they created their own mehndi henna hand prints.

These Camper Kids would not stop!

Fabulous fantasy cityscape pen and ink watercolors on vintage book pages...

...and doodles made into stories were documented with colored markers in their personal journals.

This was one of the BEST days of camp!  Such talent and vision from each and every one.

We could hardly wait to see what these Camper Kids would create next.