Spring is here
spring break is upon us.
Where will you travel?
What will you do?
We here at the SAC campground are heading to the shore, as I am sure many of you may be too. It'll be good to wiggle our toes in the sand, splash in the sea, make some seashell creatures, and escape this yellow fog of pollen around here, don't you think?
But whether you take the bus to a big city or cruise to the coast, you will want something fun and creative to do during your break.
Better bring a book with you...
...because we know
that at least one of you
will be
that at least one of you
will be
at some point
will not know what to do
with all your free time.
will not know what to do
with all your free time.
So why not pick up book?
No, not to read, but to tear out the pages, use them as your canvas, doodle an image or scene and paint it.

No, not to read, but to tear out the pages, use them as your canvas, doodle an image or scene and paint it.

Grab a black Sharpie, some watercolor paints, a cup of water, and a paint brush and go at it. The printed words make a charming background to the paintings.
This has always been a very popular Summer Arts Camp project, and thanks to the Friends of the Library who so graciously donated stacks and stacks of old books for us to use we are never out of paper.
Now, what to do with all that free time you will have this summer?
That's not hard to figure out.
That's not hard to figure out.
Join us in June for some creative fun at Summer Arts Camp!
Registration begins on April 1st ~ no fooling.
{That happens to be a very special day around here at Summer Arts Camp headquarters.}
All the information and FAQs you need are on the side bar to the right.
Just click.
Happy Spring.
We will see you in June!